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Students may be eligible to receive note-taking services. Note-taking allows students to be anonymously paired with a peer note-taker who is in the same class. Please discuss note-taking at your meeting with a DRC staff member.

Requesting Notes

If you are a student who has received the note-taking accommodation, Log into DRC Online and select which classes that you want to use your accommodation for.


Peer Note-taker

Note-takers should provide well-organized, original notes for the student(s) they are assisting. Peer note-takers must sign up with DRC Online, read and sign the Note-taker Contract, and complete the process by selecting the class that needs notes. Once you have completed the registration process, and have selected a class on DRC Online, you will be assigned to your class. The note-taker selected will receive either $45 in Bear Bucks, UNC apparel, or a certificate for 45 service hours. The note-taker must have a GPA of a 3.0 or higher. If you have any questions please view our Frequently Asked Questions or contact the DRC office at 970-351-2289 or Email us at DRCTechnology@254336.com.



As a note-taker you are required to upload notes to the DRC Online platform within 48 hours of each class period. Unless otherwise specified by a DRC employee. The notes must be legibly written or typed in a word document, or similar program. Please upload your notes to DRC Online by going to your note-taker tab and selecting the Upload and View Notes section.

If class does not have lecture, please upload a description stating that no notes were taken (ie. essay workshop, group project, etc) and any announcements or other important information.

Please note that if you are taking Notes for more than one class, you can select multiple rewards, however you may only pick one $45 Bear Bucks per semester. Reward Notification's will be sent out towards the end of the semester, remember you will only be eligible for reward if you have been uploading your notes. As well if your reward is not picked up by the end of the week after Finals Week, your reward will be forfeited.


Please see the Faculty Note-taker Procedures for instructions on "How to find a Note-taker"